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AFU Destroyed Wagner Group Base With Accurate HIMARS Strike: What We Know

15.08.2022 политика
AFU Destroyed Wagner Group Base With Accurate HIMARS Strike: What We Know

A Russian propagandist leaked the address of the base.

The Ukrainian military destroyed the headquarters of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) in the occupied Popasna, Luhansk region, with the HIMARS precise strike.

Ukrainian Journalist Denis Kazansky reported this on Facebook.

According to him, a Russian propagandist disclosed the location of the occupiers before the strike: the one posted its pictures on Telegram. One of the photos published by the Russian propagandist showed a sign with the address: 12 Mironovskaya Street.

After that, one more “funny story” happened to the mercenaries, which they love so much, the journalist noted.

According to him, now the dead and wounded occupiers, who were recruited in PMCs from Russian prisons, are being taken out from under the rubble.

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